Rabu, 20 Desember 2017

Is Obesity Affecting your Life? Discover Seven Tips To A Fitter And Healthier You

In this article I am going to cover seven ways you can become healthier and increase your fitness levels. I am going to cover the best types of exercises to do to get fit and healthy, the best kinds of foods to eat to reduce your calorie intake and how to check that you are moving in the right direction.

Get Your Body Moving
Exercise is one of the most important components of living a healthy lifestyle. Even if you eat all the right foods and you aren't over-weight if you do not exercise your body then you won't be able to live an active and energetic lifestyle.
You don't need to join a gym or attend a cardio class, you just need to find something that you enjoy that raises your heart rate and your breathing rate to exercise your body.
Here are some ideas you might like to try - swimming is a great all over body exercise that can get you strong and fit, martial arts is another great form of fitness, jogging gets your body moving and is great for burning off calories, power walking is the same but a little less intense on your joints and tendons than jogging.
How about some team sports like football or rugby - you don't have to be a sports star to enjoy the health benefits of participating in a team sport. A great advantage of a team sport is that you are much more likely to turn up to training sessions when there are other people involved - you wouldn't want to let your team down would you?
Have a look in your local sports centre and read the notice boards, you will find all kinds of activities to take part in. Try something new and meet new friends and help each other get fit and healthy.
Drink More Water
If you want to live a healthy lifestyle drinking more water should be high on your list of priorities. Keeping your body hydrated reduces the feelings of hunger, helps cleanse and detox your body from unwanted chemicals, keeps your skin hydrated and is much better for you than any other drink on the planet.
Water has zero calories so you can drink as much as you like without having to worry about sugar intake or putting on any weight. A good idea is to replace your soft drinks with water and drink water with your meals, it can aid in digestion.
So there are lots of good reasons to drink some more "H2O".
Eat Smaller Portions
One of the biggest reasons why people get over-weight and unhealthy is because they eat huge portions sizes. I have seen many people in restaurants with plates so full of food it has been literally piled high! This is not a healthy way to go with your food.
Reducing your portion sizes can help you with reducing the calories you eat and can help you keep check on your weight. If you still feel hungry after your meal drink another glass of water or eat some fruit.
If you still think that eating smaller portion sizes just won't help you then why not add a bowl of salad to your meal? Then you have something healthy and extra to add which should help to fill you up.
Eat More Often

Smaller portion sizes allow you to eat more often and eating more often can help to speed up your metabolism. If your metabolism is increased then your body can burn off more fat because - the reason this works is simple, when you go on a diet it typically means starving your body of calories and if you suddenly reduce your calories your body will react by going into what is called starvation mode and will begin to store fat on your body. This is a survival mechanism.

To stop this from happening you have to let your body know that there is no food shortage and you can easily do this by eating more often. This of course doesn't mean you can eat more chocolate cake or more desserts. You can replace those snacks that you enjoy with fruit and nuts.
Increase your food intake by choosing healthy options and snacks, add a bowl of salad to every meal and drink lots more water.

Reduce Your Sugar Intake
We are a society which is addicted to sugar, we have sugar with most meals that we eat, it is added to lots and lots of foods to sweeten it up, it is added to fizzy drinks, sauces, soup and is coated on most morning cereals.
Sugar puts more calories into our bodies, it turns into fat if you don't exercise enough to burn those calories off and that's not to mention the damage that is doing to our teeth.
So what can we do to reduce our sugar intake? That is what the next tip is about.
Eat More Fruit and Vegetables
Instead of eating processed foods you should strive to each more vegetables. They are low in calories, have a high water content which helps hydrate our body and are full of vitamins and minerals which help your body to stay healthy and active.
Eating more fruit will also give your body lots more vitamins. You can and should replace sugary snacks with fruit. There are so many options to choose from when it comes to fruit there is really no excuse not to be eating more of it.
Weigh Yourself Weekly
You should keep check on how your weight is and the best way to do this is through weekly weighing. You should write it down to make sure you are heading in the direction you want to go in.
Weekly weighing will let you know if you are putting on unwanted weight, which could easily slip by you if you didn't for a couple of months. Doing this you can track your progress, make any changes to your diet or exercise program as necessary to keep you moving in the right direction.

Secrets to Losing Wight in 2018, Discover 5 Proven Ways to Ease the Start of a New Diet

Starting a new diet to help you lose weight is always a great thing to do. It is surely going to improve your health and change your life for the better. However, it can be extremely challenging for someone who has never done any diets.

Everything new is hard to achieve, and something you do every few hours - eating and drinking - is even more so. Regardless of the difficulties, you can still manage to enhance your plans for weight loss through diet. You just need to follow certain tips in that regard:
- Establish a healthy eating plan - a good eating plan is one that has foods you enjoy, along with healthy (not processed) food: fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, whole grains, seafood, nuts, beans and lean meats. All of these can satisfy your hunger without adding that many calories, which is ideal and can help you stick to your diet. These foods all have lots of fiber and low-fat protein, meaning you don't sacrifice food qualities and still get enough nutrition to feel full.
- Start off slow and small - every change is hard. Small and gradual changes to eating habits are required in order to establish your diet. If your ultimate goal is to establish new eating habits that will last a lifetime, you can start by implementing one change per week. One way to start a good change is to stock on some healthy foods to replace the old ones. Consult a new cookbook or magazine that showcases healthy recipes.
- Be realistic about your goals - some people start their diets with grand ideas of how they will be able to fit into slimmer clothes in no time. Truth is that never happens. Setting realistic goals sometimes means aiming to lose 5-10% of body weight. It will boost your confidence and also your health. Setting attainable goals can get you started on a diet, and most importantly - keep you on it.

- The carrot and the stick - this common motivational method pairs up two different approaches: in one you are punishing in the absence of success, in the other you are rewarding the presence of success. When it comes to diets, it has been proven that rewarding all efforts is by far the better option. Slipups will happen but they won't necessarily ruin your diet plans. Use the opportunity to learn where your vulnerability lies and reinforce this weak point.

- Get someone to support you - one of the factors with the most weight in the success of a diet is getting someone to help you out. Studies show that people who chose to do dieting together with a friend or a family member tend to do better. They readily engage in workouts and physical activity as an addition, which is something that greatly enhances the effect of a diet.
If you have made the decision to go on a diet in order to achieve a healthier lifestyle, you should feel proud of yourself. You can reinforce your efforts with the help of a professional nutritionist and experience the benefits in no time.

Obesity? Here’s How to Fix It Discover 8 Effective Weight Loss Tips

You may have read some common weight loss tips, such as taking in fewer calories, burning more calories and avoiding junk food. However, the sad truth is that the majority of fast weight loss plans and diets don't work. If you are struggling to shed a few pounds, you may want to try the following tips.
1. Go For a Glucomannan Supplement
According to several studies, glucomannan helps you lose weight. Actually, this fiber absorbs water and stays in your colon for a while. As a result, you don't feel hungry for a while. And you don't eat a lot of calories. Some studies show that glucomanna can help with weight loss if consumed on a regular basis based on your doctor's advice.
2. Reduce your intake of Added Sugar
In today's diet, added sugar is one of the worst ingredients. The majority of people are having too much of it. According to some studies, the consumption of sugar may lead to obesity, heart diseases and type 2 diabetes.
So, if you want to shed some pounds, we suggest that you reduce your intake of added sugars. However, don't forget to read labels as some health foods are heavy with sugar.
3. Consume Refined Carbs Wisely
Typically, refined carbohydrates are grains or sugar that doesn't have nutritious or fibrous parts. According to research studies, refined carbohydrates may increase your blood sugar quickly, leading to cravings and hunger. As a result, you end up eating a lot more a few hours later. As a matter of fact, consuming refined carbohydrates may lead to obesity. So, if you want to eat carbohydrates, you may want to consume them with natural fiber.
4. Go on a Low Carbohydrate Diet
You may want to stick to a low carbohydrate diet if you want to enjoy the benefits of carbohydrates restriction. According to many studies, this diet can help you shed twice as much as weight as you can lose with a standard diet. At the same time, this diet can improve your health.
5. Use Smaller Plates
If you eat in smaller plates, you can consume fewer calories, according to some studies. This weird trick does work. If you eat in bigger plates, you will end up eating more. This is common sense.
6. Apply Portion Control
For many reasons, portion control can be helpful. According to experts, if you maintain a food diary to record what you eat, you will be able to lose weight fast. As a matter of fact, anything that can increase your awareness of the foods that you should eat is helpful.

7. Brush Your Teeth Before Bed
This tip is not backed by any studies, but many experts recommend that you brush your teeth after dinner. This will help you avoid eating the late-night snack. So, you may want to make it a habit to brush your teeth before hitting the bed.
8. Eat Spicy Foods
You may want to go for spicy food every now and then. For instance, you can opt for Cayenne pepper that is rich in Capsaicin. This compound can boost your metabolism and help you control your appetite.
Hope these 8 tips will work for you.
Have you been looking to reduce yourweight? If you are looking for the best ways, we suggest that you check out Super Ways to Lose Weight.

Follow My Way Healthy Weight Loss Plans - 5 Simple Actionable Tips

Ayurveda is a branch or Upa Veda of Rig Veda. It is an ancient system of medical science constituted by the Rishis of yore in the Indian sub continent. As always prevention is better than cure, it seeks to prevent disease and promote health. Unlike other modern medicines, it emphasizes the importance of finding out the root cause of physical symptoms of the disease caused, due to the imbalance of Pancha bhuta Tattva and tri dosha in the human body. Thus Ayurveda creates a balance in the soul, mind, and body through simple guidelines that follow the natural rhythms of nature.

Nowadays obesity has become a very big health issue for people all over the world. Some of the causes being in-disciplinary food habits, lack of sound sleep, problems with regular bowel motions etc. Preferring a natural way that can naturally and gently guide you towards holistic and healthy weight loss is highly recommended. The use of chemicals, processed food, or extreme diets for losing weight can bring undesirable health issues and alarming side effects. So it is essential to bring some changes in our lifestyle in order gain a healthy weight loss.
Drinking a glass of warm water cleanses the digestive canals and wipes out oily substances and thus stimulating the bowels. This boosts and refreshes your entire digestive system making it perfect and all set for the digestion process. Bowel motions twice [at least once] a day [morning and evening] is a good sign of a healthy digestive system. Drink a cup of bottle gourd juice twice a week on an empty stomach which definitely controls body fat.
Adopt a method of exercise to follow up daily. Exercise at-least 20 - 30 minutes daily in the morning. Yoga for health is much recommended as it not only makes your body healthy but also relaxes your mind too. Follow up a routine for the daily exercise. Learning yoga from a guru is recommended. Surya Namaskar, a simple yoga workout is a good choice.
Eating 3 satisfying meals a day without consuming any in-between junk foods is very important. Although much more important is, only eat when you feel hungry otherwise take some fresh juice, pure water, tender coconut or any other natural liquid food. Feeling hungry is the strong signal given by the digestive system of our human body for intake of food. Prefer organic foods as much as possible. Avoid oily foods with high-fat content. Add spices like Ginger, garlic and cumin seed to your food preparation which helps with the easy digestion. Add more fresh vegetables and green leaves to your daily food menu. Avoid overeating. Take a moderate breakfast, strong lunch and a very light dinner. Never drink water while eating unless very necessary, as it may affect the digestion process. Always drink luke warm water.
Meditation is one of the best methods to calm your inner-self and get focused on whatever work you do. As a healthy mind is a base to a healthy body and vice versa. If you already know a method of meditation, follow it regularly.
Ayurveda points out that one of the most important reasons for the base of all diseases is, staying awake late into the night, thus not providing enough rest and relaxation to our mind and body. A sound sleep is like a layman's meditation which re-installs and refreshes all the positive energy back to our mind and body. So it is very important that you go to bed at-least by 9 to 9.30 p.m and wake up before sunrise that is before 6.00a.m. Never sleep in the day time or more than 6 hours a day.
These 5 easy steps if followed properly and regularly can produce amazing results. The process would be gentle and steady without doing any harm to your body, unlike other instant methods which claim quick results.

Generally, Ayurveda provides some general guidelines for good health and vigor. Some of them to mention are:
Ayurvedic medicines like Triphala can help a great deal with the healthy weight loss, food digestion, and indigestion problems. For better results use Triphala Churna. Triphala churna is composed of a mixture of the dried herbal fruits Haritaki, Bibhitaki, and Amalaki. The use of Triphala Improves digestion, Removes excess fats out of the body, corrects constipation, cleanse bowel and the digestive system, Purifies the blood, Improves eyesight, reduces oxidative stress on the body, strengthens the respiratory tract and the lungs.
Dosage: Soak two teaspoon full of Triphala in 2 cups of water at night. So that all the components will be extracted in the water by next day morning. Boil the mixture to make it one cup and allow it to cool down until luke warm and drink in empty stomach.
Take oil massage/bath 2 days a week proceeded with a warm water bath. Ayurveda recommends oil bath on Wednesdays and Saturdays only. Use medicinal oil or usually sesame oil is recommended.
Cleanse your nostrils using Nasya oil at-least once a month. Contacting an Ayurvedic physician is recommended.
Practice kabalaphati. Kabalaphati is a yogic breathing technique used to cleanse inner organs of our body using prana or otherwise called the life force. It particularly cleanses the blood circulatory system and gets rid of impurities in the blood. It also cleanses the lungs making way for a good healthy breath thus gaining maximum prana Vayu or oxygen for our healthy life. Studying this technique from a guru is highly recommended.